A Visit to Varberg to Heal My Consumption
One of my favorite tweets I’ve read recently says “I don’t mean to sound like a sickly Victorian woman riddled with consumption but I do feel like a little trip to the seaside would fix me.” Having had my fair share of health issues this spring, and not made any easier with a lacking support system in Boulder, that first day in Varberg was one where I felt truly well in months. No pain, just contentment.
Varberg is a gem of a city on the west coast of Sweden. Just south of Göteborg, it has effectively preserved its historical buildings and an imposing fortress while blending them with modern niceties (like an underground railroad), the seashore is flanked by an impressive path and cliffs to swim from, and the seafood is exceptional.
I visited my dear friend Martin for the first five days of my summer trip to Sweden this year. We sailed to a small island just off Varberg hours after I arrived, bringing coffee and sandwiches for fika and sunbathing. Martin spent a good chunk of our time there swimming a lap around the island since he is training for the IronMan in August. His friend Munib and I spectated and made sure he wasn’t stung by a jellyfish and needed rescuing (or peeing on).
I had to work a normal U.S. schedule while I was there, which meant some midnight screentime, but we still got plenty of Swedish sommarnöjen in. Highlights include: lots of swimming, mocktails on the beach, eating sweet strawberries while driving in the convertible, many hours spent reading in the hammock, and time spent with friends and some får.